Friday, October 27, 2006

The Dixie Chicks Ad NBC Doesn't Want You To See

Think Progress

NBC is refusing to air an ad for the new Dixie Chicks documentary, "Shut Up & Sing." Variety reports, "NBC's commercial clearance department said in writing that it 'cannot accept these spots as they are disparaging to President Bush.'"

Harvey Weinstein, who is distributing the movie, issued the following statement:

"It's a sad commentary about the level of fear in our society that a movie about a group of courageous entertainers who were blacklisted for exercising their right of free speech is now itself being blacklisted by corporate America. The idea that anyone should be penalized for criticizing the president is profoundly un-American."

ThinkProgress has obtained the ad NBC doesn't want you to see. Watch it:

By all means go watch it. There are also two clips at the movie site above, and you can see the actual movie trailer at YouTube as well.

I differ from the Chicks a little: I feel for them, but I'm glad that sonofabitch is from Texas and not from someplace worthwhile.

You go, girls. There are a lot of us out here who aren't ready to make nice.

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