Friday, October 20, 2006

More "new" spin ...

I touched on this last night, citing Arianna's post. They've been spinning wildly for the last few days, the Chimp going so far as to make a reference to Tet, though for the last few years any similarity drawn between Iraq and Vietnam has been verboten. Cdr. Huber thinks it's because their planned October Surprise went into the dumper quickly.


I can't help but conclude that the increased deaths and frustration prior to the elections weren't expected. I suspect that the much-ballyhooed offensives in Ramadi and Baghdad were calculated to provide major successes in Iraq prior to the midterm elections, and now that they haven't, the likes of Caldwell are helping to reverse the spin in a way that will keep the ball in the GOP's court.


Personally, I think they have something else up their sleeves (Diebold notwithstanding) aside from some wishful thinking in Iraq. I'm sure somebody in the White House has enough grasp of reality to realize the situation in Iraq can nevermore be manipulated according to a political calendar.

I'm trying to pursuade the Mrs. not to go into the office until after Election Day if she can help it. I have this gut feeling these guys have too much to lose to pin their hopes on such a fluid situation in Iraq. Desperate men do deperate things when they know the end is near.

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