P.M. Carpenter
This is is not a commentary. It is an obituary.
The United States, age 230, passed away yesterday following a short bout of internal complications.
Well, "passed away" isn't quite the term for it. It was murdered - cynically cut down in what should have been its prime; assassinated by fear, slayed by ignorance, silenced by contempt, butchered by congressional cowardice and whacked by a venomous president. Rasputin himself died at the hands of fewer conspirators.
The killing field was, of course, Washington, D.C., and the murder weapon was the Military Commissions Act of 2006 - Enabling Act of 1933, anyone? -- which authorized not a war on terror, but a war of terror - the rape of this erstwhile nation of laws, not men, and directed straight at the forehead of any who oppose the new American regime; directed at those who one man, and one man only, deems properly subject to indefinite incarceration, torture, and extermination.
The Act's wording of "unlawful enemy combatants" defies any definition other than: Whomever the president says is an unlawful enemy combatant. We'll just have to pray that over the next two years George doesn't go back on the bottle and start reading disagreeable newspapers and blogs.
Does writing this qualify me as a U.E.C.? Or any of its publishers? Does this open, expressed outrage at the gang of treasonous criminals at the helm of this mess of a reordered government complicate their lives enough or please our foes enough to land me under the prohibition against aiding foreign enemies and comforting them with material support?
Who knows? Could. Might. Maybe. That would be determined not by statute, not by rules of evidence, not by a jury, not by a judge, not even by the court of public opinion. That would, instead, be determined by one man, in secrecy -- an unsettling, intolerable peskiness to dictatorial tranquility to be whisked away under the cover of night.
And that is no hysterical exaggeration.
As I've heard it, part of the definition of an 'Unlawful Enemy Combatant' is one who has 'materially aided terrorists'. To me, that would be something like helping a terrorist make sure his Semtex corset is on nice and tight so it won't slip and embarrass him.
Who knows what it means to 'The Decider'? It appears as if it's entirely up to Bush.
Remember "you're either with us, or against us"? Who's "us"? Is it the United States of America, or the royal "us" of George W. Bush personally? I guess we'll find out. I'm definitely 'with' the United States, which is why I'm definitely 'against' Bush.
Are they gonna come get us anti-Bush bloggers and whisk us away for a lovely tropical vacation at Gitmo? Probably not, but the Chimp's nose is definitely under the tent. He could if he wanted to.
We have to trust his sanity and honesty. Let that one sink in for a minute. Sanity? Honesty? BUSH?
As for his 'sanity', we're dealing here with an incompetent petulant crybaby, a bully of a dry drunk with a mean streak and an overcompensated inferiority complex, who does not like criticism and likes to lash out at his critics, and who is fixin' to see his criminal agenda swirl closer and closer to the drain come election day. He is pretty famous for blaming others for his own mistakes, which he refuses to admit, convinced that his infallibility is absolute. Sane? Probably in the parallel universe he inhabits. In the reality-based dimension the rest of us live in, he's at best very seriously delusional.
As to his honesty, I won't waste much effort on that. He is one of the few people I've seen who turns the truth into a lie simply by speaking it. That's pretty rare, though. Most of the time, he just lies. 'Pathological' doesn't begin to cover it.
Bush has once again side-stepped the Constitution - belay that, he's fuckin' stomped it flat. That august document was designed specifically to protect us from devils in power by making this a nation of laws, not of men. With the help of his Congressional accomplices he has thrown another shovelful of dirt on the grave of Democracy and Liberty.
Our civil liberties and freedom are now even more firmly at the mercy of a cretin I wouldn't trust with the keys to my fifteen-year-old pickup if it was outta gas.
I worry less and less every day about the civil war in Iraq, and more and more about civil war here.
To close on a brighter note, Bush, Cheney et al have definitely 'materially aided terrorists' by enabling their recruiting program with their imperialistic power-and-oil driven criminal blunders. Perhaps, if the Military Commissions Act is still in effect in 2009, the next President will do the right thing and rendition them to the place of their soggy dreams, with orange clothes, no lawyers or other outside contacts, no charges, secret evidence that won't be shown, steel bars, and no appeal. And, oh yeah, 4000 calories a day! Let's pork 'em up good so the noose can do its work more easily.
In the meantime, R.I.P. America.
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