Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Anti-O'Reilly

Here's a good piece on Keith Olbermann at the EssEffChron.

Today Olbermann is hot, in every sense of the word. He likes to say that the first step to creating one of his blistering editorials is to "get pissed off," and that's certainly how he sounds.

But there's something more to it, too. Conservatives may hate his attacks, but no one doubts that he comes across as one of the smarter guys in the room. When he laid into then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on Aug. 30, he threw in references to Neville Chamberlain and the policy of appeasement. Let's see NBC network anchor Brian Williams pull that off.

Not that he would try it.

"Broadcast networks are not interested in the controversy," Olbermann says.

Well, maybe they'd better start thinking about it.

"I think," says MSNBC General Manager Dan Abrams, "that Keith Olbermann may become a model for the newscast of the future."

I'm down wid dat if they can leave the Britney-and-KFed-type crap out of it.


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