Tuesday, November 7, 2006

As long as you're goin' to keep havin' 'em, vote for their future

In honor of An Angry Old Broad's new granddaughter Molly, I present this piece from The Progressive Daily Beacon:

Maybe you don't want to vote, because Bush and Republicans were successful in their effort to "turn off" voters - and turned you off they did! However, maybe you have one to a dozen reasons to vote. They might be reasons, perhaps, that you don't normally consider while pondering whether or not to vote. The reasons you should vote this year: your children.

What, you might ask, do your children have to do with you voting or not voting? The answer, of course, is simple - everything!

What will you tell your children when they ask, "What did you do to help stop global warming?"

What will you tell your children when they ask, "What did you do to ensure every child in America had health insurance?"

What will you tell your children when they ask, "What did you do to ensure I could attend college?"

What will you tell your children when they ask, "What did you do to protect my civil liberties?"

What will you tell your children when they ask, "What did you do to stop our government from torturing human beings?"

What will you tell your children when they ask, "What did you do to prevent our economy from collapsing under the weight of massive debt?"

What will you tell your children when they ask, "At what point did you decide that too many of my friends were dying for a war based on lies?"

Maybe you don't want to vote, because "things have gotten too nasty." Maybe you don't want to vote, because you are too busy? Maybe you don't want to vote, because there isn't a difference between the parties?

Maybe you just don't think your vote matters? If your kids matter, your vote matters! On November 7, get out and vote. Your children and their future are depending upon you...and your vote!

Even though I personally feel that it's purty near time for the human race to stop breeding before it fucks itself out of a place at the dinner table, I know it's not going to happen until it becomes way more obvious that there's too many of us for the planet as we know it to support.

When God appoints me his right-hand man on Earth, I will implement a replacement-minus program, starting with Republicans and fundies.

In the meantime, on an individual level, a new child is generally recognized as a joyous event, so congrats AOB.

The rest of us will now go and vote for the future of our country on Molly's behalf.

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