Thursday, November 9, 2006

A Come-to-Daddy Moment

Maureen Dowd

Poppy Bush and James Baker gave Sonny the presidency to play with and he broke it. So now they're taking it back.

They are dragging W. away from those reckless older guys who have been such a bad influence and getting him some new minders who are a lot more practical.

In a scene that might be called "Murder on the Oval Express," Rummy turned up dead with so many knives in him that it's impossible to say who actually finished off the man billed as Washington's most skilled infighter. (Poppy? Scowcroft? Baker? Laura? Condi? The Silver Fox? Retired generals? Serving generals? Future generals? Troops returning to Iraq for the umpteenth time without a decent strategy? Democrats? Republicans? Joe Lieberman?)

The defense chief got hung out to dry before Saddam got hung. The president and Karl Rove, underestimating the public's hunger for change or overestimating the loyalty of a fed-up base, did not ice Rummy in time to save the Senate from teetering Democratic. But once Sonny managed to heedlessly dynamite the Republican majority - as well as the Middle East, the Atlantic alliance and the U.S. Army - then Bush Inc., the family firm that snatched the presidency for W. in 2000, had to step in. Two trusted members of the Bush 41 war council, Mr. Baker and Robert Gates, have been dispatched to discipline the delinquent juvenile and extricate him from the mother of all messes.

While Vice went off to a corner to lick his wounds, W. was forced to do his best imitation of his dad yesterday, talking about "bipartisan outreach", "people have spoken", blah-blah-blah - after he'd been out on the trail saying that electing Democrats would mean that "the terrorists win and America loses."

He was asked if his surprise at the election results showed he was out of touch with Americans. "I thought when it was all said and done," he replied, "the American people would understand the importance of taxes and the importance of security."

Not the way you do 'em, asshole.

So it was just that the American people were too dumb to understand? W. also managed to bash Vietnam vets, saying that this war isn't similar because there's a volunteer army, so "the troops understand the consequences of Iraq in the global war on terror." Is that why W. stayed out of Vietnam? Because he understood it?

An ashen Rummy was also condescending during his uncomfortable tableau with W. and Bob Gates in the Oval Office, implying that he was dumped because Americans just didn’t "comprehend" what was going on in Iraq. Actually, Rummy, we get it. You don't get it.

"Baker's no fool," a Bush 41 official said. "He wasn't going to go out there with a plan for Iraq and have Rummy shoot it down. He wanted a receptive audience. Everyone had to be on the same page before the plan is unveiled."

It appears as if an intervention to impose some 'adult leadership' has been in the works for a while. Say what you will about 41, his gang can't, as in 'not possible', do worse than the idiot spawn.

Especially with the Congressional oversight which we have been promised.

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