Thursday, November 16, 2006

"...couldn't put this clusterfuck back together again."

Sidney Blumenthal via True Blue Liberal. Read the whole thing.

Bush family guardians James Baker and others are trying to rescue "Sonny" from his failed Middle East policies. Will he listen this time?

In the event that Baker actually advocates what he thinks, Bush's options will be to admit the errors of his ways and the wisdom of his father and father's men or to cast them and caution aside once again. His choice is either Shakespearean or Wagnerian.

Mr. Blumenthal left out Dante:

"Abandon hope all ye who enter here..."

From the Guardian:

President George Bush has told senior advisers that the US and its allies must make "a last big push" to win the war in Iraq and that instead of beginning a troop withdrawal next year, he may increase US forces by up to 20,000 soldiers, according to sources familiar with the administration's internal deliberations.

I think "machinations" might have been a better choice of words than "deliberations" but them Limeys are quite reserved.

The "last push" strategy is also intended to give Mr Bush and the Republicans "political time and space" to recover from their election drubbing and prepare for the 2008 presidential campaign, the official said. "The Iraq Study Group buys time for the president to have one last go. If the Democrats are smart, they'll play along, and I think they will. But forget about bipartisanship. It's all about who's going to be in best shape to win the White House.

The official added: "Bush has said 'no' to withdrawal, so what else do you have? The Baker report will be a set of ideas, more realistic than in the past, that can be used as political tools. What they're going to say is: lower the goals, forget about the democracy crap, put more resources in, do it."

I don't think we have the military resources to "do it" like it needs, not that it should have ever been "done" in the first place.

This will use up our military, folks. In the fuckin' Bush is giving us and Iraq, these are the short strokes. An act of desperation in pursuit of inevitable failure.

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