Wednesday, November 1, 2006


First. Now I can tell you that Ambassador Joe Wilson will be campaigning with Dave Mejias tomorrow. I'll be attending a press conference with them in the afternoon in Farmingdale and of course I'll have details.

Next, Newsday gave their endorsement to Dave this morning. Listen to me: Two papers (NYT endorsement here) who share the highest circulation in the NY Metro Area endorsed Dave Mejias over a fourteen year incumbent. Got that?


Mejias supports a more pragmatic policy that would include tougher border security and employer sanctions, a guest-worker program and a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants already in the country. Mejias is the son of Hispanic immigrants. He overcame economic hardship to become a lawyer and a Nassau County legislator. He's been effective, for instance, by passing a tough county registration-and-notification law for sex offenders and a domestic worker bill of rights.

Mejias promises pragmatic solutions to the nation's problems, a refreshing change. Newsday endorses Mejias.

We're on the downhill run, ladies and germs. IT'S NOVEMBER.

Learn about the candidate and volunteer - Dave for America

Contribute - Dave's ActBlue page.

Vote for Dave Mejias. Do you live in NY-03?

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