Sunday, November 5, 2006


It could have come sooner in my book, but:

FARMINGDALE - After Republican incumbent Peter King attempted to mislead voters in a recent campaign mailer, Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) set the record straight today by making his support of Nassau County Legislator Dave Mejias, the Democratic candidate for Congress in New York's Third Congressional district, loud and clear. By using misleading photos and quotes, Peter King is trying to associate himself with popular New York Democrats in a desperate attempt to distance himself from President Bush and the failed policies he rubber stamped.


"I whole heartedly support Dave Mejias for Congress in New York's Third Congressional District," said Senator Charles Schumer. "Our country is going in the wrong direction and new leadership in Washington starts with new representation at home on Long Island. Dave Mejias has proven himself an independent voice in the Nassau County Legislature and has always delivered for Long Island. We can reclaim American dream, receive our fair share of Homeland Security funding, and put America back on track with new leadership in Congress."

More Rethug dirty tricks. Would have been nice if Schumer came out a month ago but at least he stepped up when he had to. Put an end to the Rethugs' corruption on Long Island:

Learn about the candidate and volunteer - Dave for America

Contribute - Dave's ActBlue page.

Vote for Dave Mejias. Do you live in NY-03?

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