Monday, November 13, 2006


Not just a river in Egypt anymore. DOD refuses to believe reality:


According to Jack Dorsey of The Virginian Pilot, the Department of Defense has spent $6 billion on a program to defeat roadside bombs, often referred to as improvised explosive devises (IEDs). That amount equates to the advertised cost of a Nimitz class nuclear aircraft carrier. You'd think that for the cost of a carrier, they could have come up with one heck of a rootin' tootin' anti-IED system, but no. A recent report by Congressional Research Service, a non-partisan research and analysis group, says that the five-year IED countermeasure effort has proven "only marginally effective."


Folks, this is a perfect microcosmic example of every failure of this war. Five years and $6 billion into a "marginally effective" program to counter a $20 weapon, the Pentagon insists that "progress" is being made. The Pentagon is in total denial about its inability to cope with the most basic of tactical problems, and the administration continues to insist that there's no need to change the overall strategy and policy.


It's this whole neocon mindset - if you throw enough money at a problem, it will eventually fix itself - that has to be purged from the White House and government agencies. Thanks to the patronage and cronyism rampant in contracting and personnel areas, things are done in a slipshod manner at higher cost because of these peoples' incompetence. This won't change with a Democratic Congress, only with a new administration in the White House.

As Dr. Attaturk (podiatrist to the stars) says:

"Young kids get to die so old men don't look bad."

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