Friday, November 17, 2006

Depraved Indifference

Don Davis

While George Bush the Elder is currently being hailed for pulling in the reins on his ne'er-do-well son, local authorities in Kennebunkport, Maine have arrested "41" on counts of "negligent supervision of a minor," and "endangering the planet."

As the Kennebunkport D.A. rhetorically asked at his press conference, "what good is it to take the car keys away from a wasted teenager, after he's already destroyed the neighborhood?"

Paraphrasing from the Maine Criminal Code, the D.A. asserted that Poppy Bush "knew or should have known, of a need to prevent Dubya from operating a country, especially under the influence of Dick Cheney."

The D.A., a Republican, added that the State would be seeking the maximum punishment under the law due to the aggravated nature of the offense, since it was "41" himself who supplied Cheney to "43": "Simply put, this was like handing a loaded gun to a child."

The D.A. concluded his press conference by asserting that Senior never should have let Junior out of his sight: "When you take 41 away from 43, you just end up with No. 2."

Yes, a great steaming, wormy loaf of it.

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