Friday, November 10, 2006

Election Aftermath, CA-11

Congratulations to Jerry McNerney, CA-11's new Congressman-elect. Ya done good against great odds.

From the EssEffChron:

TO FULLY understand Tuesday's Democratic victory, look no further than California's 11th Congressional District.

It was there that Jerry McNerney, an obscure Democratic candidate with almost no political experience, toppled Rep. Richard Pombo, R-Tracy, a powerful member of the Republican majority in Congress.

Pombo suffered from being a protégé of disgraced former Majority Leader Tom DeLay, who elevated this San Joaquin County rancher with a hatred of many environmental regulations to chairman of the House Resources Committee. He also had received contributions from convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

Pombo's efforts to weaken environmental regulations inspired the anger of environmentalists who, among many others, flooded his district to promote McNerney's candidacy. Almost the entire volunteer effort was run independently of the Democratic Party (my em).

The GOP selection of Pombo to head a committee charged with guarding the nation's environment was one of the most cynical acts of its now shattered majority. His departure from Congress is long overdue.

And from Misery Watch:

A particularly strong good riddance

The election results were overwhelmingly positive. So many creeps were swept out. But one in particular deserves special notice.

Heh. That was the nicest thing they said about him. Their post goes into more detail about Pombo's assholarity and crimes.

A major victory for the Grass Roots. For the rest of us as well.

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