Thursday, November 16, 2006

Impending doom

You know, I get this feeling that something's gonna happen. I can't help thinking that the White House cabal has something up their sleeves they hope will neuter the Dem majority in Congress. I hear Harry Reid's name being mentioned in connection with Jack Abramoff's recent squealings. Will they jump on this to deflect investigation of their nefarious activites over the past 6 years? I don't know.

Will another front on the "War on Terra" be opened 'inadvertantly' or 'accidentally', an Iranian Tonkin if you will? Another attack on the U.S. perhaps? Don't know either.

It just seems to me that people who crave power for power's sake will not go quietly, just throw up their hands and say "it was fun while it lasted" and begin to bow to the will of Congress. We're dealing with cheaters here, folks, and cheaters don't change.

They are still at the controls, still have incredible power (and don't forget, the support of a third of Americans), and I don't think we can allow ourselves to believe all is fixed with a Dem majority on the Hill. I believe the shenanigans will increase as the WH tries to keep its 'mandate'.

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