Friday, November 17, 2006

Whaddaya mean ...

I can't beat her? She's my wife, ain't she? Another of the 'values crowd' shows his true colors*:

State Rep. Mark Olson, just elected to his eighth term in the House, was being held in the Sherburne County jail Monday after being arrested in connection with an alleged domestic assault on his wife Sunday afternoon at their home in Big Lake, Minn.


I just can't understand why most Americans won't cast a cynical eye at those who would presume to judge our morals. Just because someone swears they follow the teachings of Jesus (and I'm still trying to figure our which of Jesus' teachings they actually do follow) doesn't mean they do. How many examples do you need?

Like the Catholic preisthood it seems the Republican party has become a haven for wife beaters and pedophiles. How can anyone, in good conscience vote for a party where assault and sexual abuse are so widespread? When authority figures abuse the authority they have been given, using it to steal the innocence of youngsters or assault their spouses, on such a scale, something should click in the public's collective heads making them wonder if it might be a systemic problem. It does in mine.

It's a sad commentary on America when the Republican Party can be held harmless for the sins they've committed against this nation and her people.

*Link via Maru.

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