Monday, November 6, 2006

"Y'all kin use that new-fangled shit if ya wanna..."

This is from the Nevada County, California, Voter Information Pamphlet and Sample Ballot under the heading "Help America Vote Act (HAVA) and Electronic Voting":

To comply with federal law, Nevada County will deploy one touchscreen voting machine in every polling location. The touchscreen unit includes a voter verifiable paper audit trail. The paper audit trail created on the touchscreen will be used in the event of a recount. Paper ballots will be issued to voters at the polls and for absentees. Voters who wish to use the touchscreen voting machine instead of a paper ballot will need to ask to do so (my em).

They apparently had to buy one of these things for every polling place, but they don't seem to be actively pushing for its use. Pretty smart for a buncha dumbass country fucks.

It's pretty hard to hack a #2 pencil.

I wouldn't doubt that the senior citizens who staff our polling place are probably hoping the damn thing breaks pretty quick so they don't have to deal with it.

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