Saturday, March 31, 2007

Chocolate Jesus

I'm sure you've all heard about our 'Chocolate Jesus' incident here in NYC. I wasn't going to blog about it because William Donohue is behind all the outrage and after all I said about him during the Shakes/Amanda incident, I didn't want to give the loser any more time. However since one of my favorite men of God decided to write Mr. Donohue a letter, well ...


Nor am I particularly upset with the artist for sculpting the Redeemer's immaculate thingy, although the thought that the communion host transubstantiates into something with a penis is very discomforting, particularly because I get kind of excited when I think about it. Don't get me wrong. I'm sure the Pope has had similar thoughts many, many times, so I guess it's OK. I mean, it doesn't make me any more homosexual than the Pope. Right?



Via the Rude One, I posted the excerpt of transcript of Donohue making a complete ass of himself on Andy Cooper's show. It's long, but Andy interviewed the artist (Cavallaro) at the same time he had Donohue on. The guy has a lot more smarts than Wild Bill and made him look like a fool. I enjoyed it.

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