Sunday, April 22, 2007



Seven Nassau Republican legislators, led by Minority Leader Peter Schmitt, had good intentions when they urged constituents to call a toll-free number to be notified when convicted sex offenders move into their neighborhoods.

Unfortunately, the 1-800 number printed on the card prompts callers to another 800-number -- a sex chat line.

"Hey there, sexy guy," says the sultry recorded female voice that answers the phone. "Welcome to an exciting new way to go live, one on one, with hot horny girls waiting right now to talk to you."

Republican spokesman Ed Ward acknowledged, "Apparently there was an error in the phone number."

"It is a common mistake that is made," Ahearn said. "We just hope no one was inconvenienced."

I'm sure it's a 'common mistake'. One page off in a Repuglicant rolodex can make a lot of difference!

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