Thursday, April 5, 2007

And the winner really isn't...

Crooks and Liars, with video of course:

This is too much…Phoenix Fox 10 News runs a poll to see who is "the most foolish American" and the host proclaims - Britney Spears the winner! That wouldn't be surprising except that the real winner of the poll was…..drum roll please……George Bush...

What's that Richard Pryor joke: "Who are you going to believe me - or your lying eyes?" I believe Groucho Marx originated the quote...

Lying with a straight face when the on-screen graphic shows otherwise is so typical of F**. They must think their viewers are reading a book. Maybe looking at pictures...

I know the anchor bobbleheads aren't allowed to say anything in the slightest bit negative about Bush, but this one takes the cake!

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