Friday, April 13, 2007

Ho! Ho! Ho!

BradBlog, with video.

It really doesn't get any worse than this Michelle Malkin (filling in for Bill O'Reilly) interview of Malik Shabazz Thursday night on Fox "News". There is so much wrong with the exchange that no analysis can do it justice. The clip picks up about halfway through a discussion on the Duke lacrosse case. Here is a taste:
Shabazz: Will you apologize for being a political prostitute for Bill O'Reilly, a white-male-chauvinist-racist, as a woman of color?

Malkin: You want to call me a whore on national TV?

Shabazz: Yes.

Malkin: There is only one whore on this split-screen and it's you Mr. Shabazz.

Shabazz: As a woman of color, you should be ashamed of yourself...

Only on Fox "News" and immediately after back to back to back Don Imus segments!

Props to Mr. Shabazz, whoever the hell he is, for calling Malkin a whore on TV. It's about time.

Just as a disclaimer, to my way of thinking, the words 'prostitute' and 'whore' are not necessarily interchangeable. One sells sexual favors, the other sells out. Malkin may not be an actual prostitute, but she's definitely a whore. So's Bill O'Rally and many others I can think of.

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