Saturday, April 21, 2007


Click pics to embiggen.

Just got done with dinner after a crazy day.

We ran across a storm last night that slowed us down. With 15 foot seas, we heard a lot of crashing from the kitchen in the dining room and that was pretty empty last night. We were rocking and rolling. Heh ...

We pulled into New York Harbor about 2 hours late. Then, the Port Authority of NY & NJ had Noordam pull into the wrong berth at Pier 92 (they put us in the spot for Norwegian Cruise Lines' Norwegian Dawn) and realized it after the tugs left. Fortunately, Captain Hans pulled a maneuver that backed us out and into the next berth over. Fucking amazing to watch the big beast maneuver on thrusters, a tight U-turn backwards, though it took us an hour to complete. They started disembarking at 10:30 and took us until 12:30 to get off the ship. Another half-hour to get out of the terminal and the car to get to us.

Backing in: I took this from my balcony as Captain Hans backed in to Berth 5 at Pier 92

It took another hour to get home, and then I had to head out to get Shayna before 3:00 or I couldn't get her until Monday. At $30/day, well, I bent some traffic laws but mission accomplished (and not in the George Bush sense of the word either). Went to grab a pizza, had a couple beers, and now Mrs. F and I are in bed, fighting to stay awake. Shayna's already snoring. Unpacking and laundry are waiting until morning. So's blogging.

It was a great vacation but it's good to be home.

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