Friday, April 20, 2007

Maybe this'll help 'splain it...

The VA Tech massacre, the lone gunman holed up in the Houston Space Center, bomb threats in Sacramento, the list goes on and on.

I was readin' The Old Farmer's Almanac, which I do every morning with some regularity, God willing, and I noticed that the 17th was the New Moon.

It's folk wisdom that folks go a little nuts during the Full Moon, but I had this explained to me by a customer once, a Harley-Davidson rider from South America:

"During the Full Moon, people go crazy outward. They dance, get drunk, make love, go a lttle crazy, have fun. During the exactly opposite New Moon they go crazy inward to the darkest depth of their souls. They get depressed, scared. They murder people."

Just sayin'...

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