Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Multi-state con

Greg Palast, always a good read, has a few hundred words to say about Gonzales, non-existent voter fraud, the U.S. attorney firings, and Turdblossom.

There was a multi-state con in operation. But what was it? Each of these bogus claims of voter fraud was attached to a sales pitch for a state law to tighten voter ID requirements - to prevent these ne'er-do-wells from voting twice. In Arizona, one crack-pot Republican legislator, the Hon. Russell Pearce, claimed he had evidence that five million Mexicans had illegally crossed the border to vote.

Iglesias, though a Republican, wouldn't bring bogus charges. And he wouldn't lie about active investigations that didn't exist except in Rove's imagination.

That was his mistake.

Griffin himself, after the December 7 firings, was appointed by Attorney General Gonzales, at Rove's personal request, to one of the newly-vacated slots as US Attorney for Arkansas. The sleeper cell of Rove-bot US attorneys is now in place to bless voter suppression games in 2008 (my em).

I've previously reported for BBC that Griffin was the Man in the Memos who directed the massive, wrongful purge of African-American soldiers in 2004 — the 'caging' list scam. Based on that expose, voting rights lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr., said, "Griffin and Rove should be in jail, not in office." That, too is another story - But the important thing to pick up here is:

1. It's all about the 2008 election.
2. It's not about Gonzales.

We've been here before. Gonzales is getting Libby'd. Takes the bullet for Karl Rove and the White House. If you wondered why the Republican jackals like the sinister Senator Specter piled on Gonzales - it's because they were told to.

Rove and Bush are doing the Nixon Twist on Gonzales.

Look, I have no sympathy for Alberto the Doomed. He's guilty of a crime I employed in racketeering cases: "Willful failure to know." It's a kind of fraud; Alberto was going way out of his way to not know what he had to know, that Rove and the President were toying with prosecutors.

Gonzales is their glove-puppet. Why fire him? The nation watches these hearings and wants to kill something. But why shoot the puppet? It's time to fire the puppeteer. Eh, Mr. Rove?

Fire all the bastards, and lock up as many as possible. Please read the rest.

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