Monday, April 16, 2007

The Oversight Blues

From The Top 10 Conservative Idiots, No. 287:

No. 10 - Dan Burton

Anyway, Dan was back in the news last week when he joined "other Republicans in warning that the committee under its new Democratic leadership may be abusing its subpoena powers," according to Roll Call.

That's right folks. Dan Burton, the man who subpoenaed the Clinton administration 141 times, the man who spent ten days investigating the Clintons' Christmas card list, the man who shot a watermelon in a pathetic attempt to prove to reporters that Vince Foster did not commit suicide - that Dan Burton - is crying like a little baby because the Democrats are actually taking their oversight role seriously.

Somebody better 'splain to that crybaby the theory of "what goes around, comes around", or maybe "don't do the crime if you can't do the time".

As for me, I'm just purely enjoyin' the shit out of all of it. Revenge is sweet, and I like mine hot.

Links and a cool poster at the site.

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