Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Quote(s) of the Day

“Bush's handlers "reckon" that kinda tough talkin', spur clangin', shot-O-whiskey slammin', Yeehhh-Hhhaawin' showdown at the Okey-Dokey Corral stuff makes the self-proclaimed 'Decision Maker' look like one tough hombre. But it doesn't.”


“It is time, perhaps, Mister Bush and his handlers realized that he is in no position to be picking fights or to be playing the macho part. What's more, if he keeps threatening to hold the "troops" hostage...George W. Bush is going to find himself in a whole lot of political trouble. And in that fight, his child-like Yosemite Sam routine won't impress anybody.”

From A. Alexander at Progressive Daily Beacon


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