Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wingnuts blame the victims

Every time I think the never-right-wingnut assholes can't possibly stoop any lower with their demented poisonous blatherings, they do just that. Possibly the most obnoxious, offensive, arrogant, unfeeling, inappropriate, and just plain wrong comments I have yet heard out of a couple of these bastards BLAME THE VICTIMS of the VT shooting for their own demise and that of their classmates because they didn't assault the gunman.

Other folks are as outraged at this as I am.

Keith Olbermann (video)

Ana Marie Cox

Daily Kos

On behalf of thinking, feeling Americans everywhere, shut up Derbyshire and Blake and any of you other war-mongering, chest-thumping wannabes. Just shut up.

Yes, it would have been the correct thing to do for every student in the class to instantly assault the shooter.

As any infantryman can tell you, your best chance of survival in an ambush is to assault the ambush. You might die in the attempt, but you will surely die if you don't. They know this, are trained how to do it, practice doing it, and there are usually several of them, armed to the teeth. Do they always do it? No.

Here's all the students needed to do: Understand what was going on, overcome fear, shock, denial, stunned disbelief, and their own lack of experience due to a nice normal sheltered upbringing, realize exactly what needed to be done and do it: several of them should have winged textbooks to distract the shooter and put him off balance while one or two got out of their seats and launched themselves at the barrel of a pistol, overwhelming the shooter and thus saving the day and the reputation of American manhood. All this in about the same reaction time to a completely unfamiliar and confusing situation as it takes to hit the brakes in an unexpected traffic situation, and maybe with a pantload to boot.

Yeah, right.

I'm a Marine. I know about ambushes and what needs to be done to survive one. I understand, like, and am comfortable with firearms, and know how to disable an automatic pistol if I can get one hand on it. I know how to knock a guy down and then beat the crap out of him with the other hand. Could I have done that in the VT situation? Even knowing what to do, forty more years of life experience than those kids had, no qualms about violence, and given the time available, probably, most likely, with 99% certainty, no. I could probably have managed the pantload.

For the 101st Fighting Keyboarders to blame these kids for what was forced on them, and then to boast about what they would have done, mighty stalwarts of virtuous manhood that they are, is the most despicable thing yet to come out of all the blithering about the VT deal. Much worse than what I've come to expect from right-wing know-nothings, and that's saying a lot.

Just shut the fuck up and crawl back under your rocks.

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