Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Be afraid, be really afraid . . .

From Blue Jersey:

(note: the "Chen" referred to is Ron Chen, the New Jersey Public Advocate)

“Senator Barbara Buono used today's hearing to gently nudge Chen on the status of an Amicus brief Chen filed after learning the NSA was sorting through the phone records of NJ residents, in violation of state law.

(Some quick background: When the NSA's domestic spying follies came to light way-back-when, then-AG Zulima Farber wanted some answers. After all, the Attorney General is charged with protecting New Jerseyans from consumer fraud. In this case, the questions surrounded whether telecom companies violated their own privacy statements by releasing this information to NSA. According to Chen, the current AG Stuart Rabner was keen to pursue this after taking over.)

When Sen. Buono asked about the status of that suit -- and the Amicus brief that went with it -- Chen's answer was pretty shocking.

Apparently, Rabner's efforts have most recently been met with Federal intervention as the Department of Justice moved to block the AG's enforcement of the telecom companies' privacy agreements, citing "state secrets."”

This is more chilling than usual, they are now blocking state-level invesigations. I don't think the Fascism question is open any more, the U.S. is heading full-tilt to a Fascist society. Impeach the bastards. Now!


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