Saturday, May 5, 2007


I never liked that stupid show he was on, but I love Steven Weber's writing:


And the character of a nation corresponds directly to its popular heroes, its personality gauged like that of an inmate under psychiatric observation. Given this admittedly simplistic theory, there can be only one conclusion as to what values America now embodies and what form our national spokesperson takes: a snot-nosed yuppie with a big freakin' chip on his shoulder. Forget the "aw, shucks ma'am, it was nothing" archetype. He is now a boisterous, text-messaging fathead in a sports bar, his rosacea flaring at any mention of the word "turban". And though he is not without experience and has ambition galore, his open-up-a-can-of-whup-ass temperament trumps any wisdom and humility he might have picked up along the way to where he is now.


Just as some here paint all the French as 'surrender monkeys', a lot of people around the world look at all Americans as obnoxious bullies. As a person who enjoys traveling the world, this is quite troubling ...

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