Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Do as I say ...

A lot of people are hypocrites. Fortunately for the human race, the hypocrisy the average person engages in mainly has to do with talking shit about other people while failing to install mirrors in their own houses. Relatively harmless.

That said, Greenwald looks at the Neocon hypocrisy in terms of following the law:


The central premise of the Bush presidency has been that this Middle East agenda -- the Epic War of Civilizations for Our Very Existence -- is so paramount that no limits can be tolerated, whether those limits be expressed by long-standing worldwide conventions, moral and political taboos against torture and lawless detention, or even the basic limits imposed by our constitutional framework and by the rule law. All of that must give way to glorious neoconservative triumph over the Supreme Evil Muslim Enemy.


Any neoconservative accused of wrongdoing is, by definition, innocent and wrongfully persecuted. The real criminals are always the prosecutors, the investigators, and the accusers. And even when a noeconservative is demonstrated to be guilty, the pure Goodness -- the Overarching Importance -- of their mission means that they ought to be immune from punishment.


This has had ramifications across the globe, some we aren't even aware of yet, that will haunt us for decades.

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