Wednesday, May 9, 2007

First Annual Molly Ivins Award to Keith Olbermann


The Association of Alternative Newsweeklies (AAN) announced today that MSNBC news anchor Keith Olbermann is the winner of its first annual Molly Ivins Award. Olbermann's achievement will be recognized in a ceremony to be held this afternoon in New York City.

The award was recently named in honor of Ms. Ivins, who served as co-editor of AAN member Texas Observer early in her muckraking career, and who died of breast cancer on January 31, at the age of 62. It is intended to recognize a journalist or media figure who's reporting or commentary has had a profound impact on the public's understanding of vital national issues, and who's work embodies the spirit of Ivins' courageous legacy.

Said AAN President and Memphis Flyer publisher Kenneth Neill. "Keith Olbermann speaks truth to power with wit and style, just as Molly did."

"I'm utterly honored," said Olbermann, "largely because I'd still like to be Molly Ivins when I grow up."

Don't we all. Ms. Ivins was a 'one-off special', as us bike guys say. I'm glad the Alt Newsweekly folks named an award after her. Congrats, KO. Keep up the good work.

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