Thursday, May 24, 2007

Good luck ...

So you wanna sell your house? Good luck. One of my oldest friends is trying to sell her house here on Long Island. It's in a good neighborhood, in a great school system, really close to shopping, in the $500 - 750,000 range. Ain't happening. Her husband's job moved south and they have to be out by the end of June, and they're seriously debating renting it out. They've already come down $65,000 in asking price and there are still no takers. I have customers telling the same tales of woe. It's like that all over Long Island. Our pal Skippy sees it out west too.

There are some big economic problems brewing in our future, and with gas prices at record highs, the housing market so shaky, and the Iraq occupation draining the treasury, it just might be a perfect storm. We're gonna be feeling the effects of the Republican 'plans' for a long time.

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