Monday, May 21, 2007

I thought he was their 'spiritual leader'?

They'll suck his cock for votes, but when it's time to see him off to 'God's Kingdom', well ... not so much:

U.S. Sen. John McCain isn't planning to attend the Rev. Jerry Falwell's funeral Tuesday. Rival Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani can't make it, either.

Nor can former Virginia former governor and long-shot 2008 Republican presidential candidate Jim Gilmore.

While some Republican figures will attend next week's funeral in Lynchburg for the founder of the Moral Majority, many will not. Experts say that even with a presidential election looming, it's not a must-attend event and there likely won't be political consequences for skipping it.


Ya think there will be no political consequences? Maybe, unless the morons who make up the 'christianist base' actually realize they've been pandered to all these years. Doubtful, but stranger shit's happened. Funny, but the Chimp doesn't feel much of an obligation either, though if it weren't for Falwell and his ilk, Chimpy would have been clearing brush full time for the last couple years.


President Bush does not plan to attend, but the White House is sending Tim Goeglein, a mid-level aide.



Thanks, Skippy.

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