Friday, May 11, 2007

In Iowa, they're finding out ...

What we already knew in NY. The great TRex:


Unless Emperor Rudy can count on running into you on the polo pitch or at some swank $5,000-a-plate funder, you're just dirt underfoot, another neck to step on as he makes his grasping, elitist way from imposing a police state in New York City to trying to impose one on the whole country.

No wonder he's the front runner for the GOP nomination. He's the veritable embodiment of Republican Values. Place the priorities of millionaires and mega-corporations first, fill all available jobs with your cronies, no matter how corrupt and incompetent they are, and display a breathtaking indifference to real American values like liberty, freedom, and equal justice under the law. Oh, and make a lot of noise about "family values" while leading a private life that would make Caligula look like a Brownie Scout.


Go to Harlem, go to East New York, and go to the subway steam grates on Manhattan's sidewalks and ask those folks how it was under Rudy's administration. Ask the cops what the term 'Giuliani Time' means. Better yet, and less expensive (if you don't live within the 5 Boroughs), watch this:

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