Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Jesus weeps ...

Greenwald looks at a poll the right wing pundits are screaming about. An excellent post. The thing that got me though, was a relatively simple observation Glenn makes:


And majorities of white Christians -- Catholics, evangelicals and protestants -- believe in torture not merely in the improbable-in-the-extreme "ticking time bomb" scenario; rather, they believe in torture as a matter of course (i.e., more than "rarely" -- either "often or "sometimes"). (By stark and revealing contrast, "secularists" oppose torture in far greater numbers). Think about how depraved that is: what kind of religious individual affirmatively believes that people should be routinely tortured, including people who have never been proven to have done anything wrong?


It goes back to my post the other day about the hard core right. The overt bigotry on the right is both astounding and frustrating. Our friends Mimus Pauly and Lurch both have posts up commenting on mine, with far greater insight than I do. Read them too.

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