Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Polar Bear Memorandum

From the Pacific Spirit Marine Institute

After the Downing Street Memo Came the...

Do not mention a word about climate change, sea ice or polar bears! That is, of course, if you are a biologist or other employee of the US Interior Departments Fish and Wildlife Service.

Fish and Wildlife Service Officials say the 'polar bear memos' as they have become known as, are consistent with a longstanding policy to ensure a coherent position in foreign negotiations and to prevent employees from discussing topics not on event agendas. (Say that 3 times fast!)

I guess they'll say that until they're treadin' water and mopping the sweat off their brows at the same time.

Note to Marine Scientists: while yer treadin' water, watch out you don't get run over by Noah's Ark fulla dinosaurs...

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