Thursday, May 31, 2007

"When Are We Going To Get Out Of Here?"

Think Progress

Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) made an unannounced trip to Iraq today, telling reporters, "what I see here today is progress, significant progress." Hours later, he was confronted by U.S. soldiers with a very different message: "We don't feel like we're making any progress."

McClatchy reports tonight on Spc. David Williams, who collected questions for Lieberman from 30 other troops.

At the top of his note card was the question he got from nearly every one of his fellow soldiers:

"When are we going to get out of here?"

From one of the comments:

Lieberman's reply:

"I don't know about you, but I'm outta here as soon as I get my picture taken..."

Holy Joe could be standing neck deep in a four-holer and if the White House said the troops shit roses he'd say how nice it smelled and how happy he was to be there. Back on yer knees, Lie-berman.

The one thing I'm glad to see is that the troops are openly questioning the madness they've been subjected to.


Harper's Magazine

No U.S. senator has made more trips out to Iraq than Joe Lieberman. He's a fixture out there. The regular junket has been a part of his campaign to be "Mr. Iraq" in the Senate. About a year ago, when I was working in Baghdad, I listened to a young captain vent about all the time and energy the Army was forced to expend on the regular visits of CODELs – Congressional delegations. "I guess our democratic process requires it. But I really wish these dopes would open their eyes and actually learn something, rather than use Iraq as a backdrop for speeches that fit in to some preconceived political strategy." I later asked: who were you taking around? And the answer: Joe Lieberman.

Today, it appears, some troops actually worked up the courage to confront Lieberman over his shameless hucksterism. [...]

The troops are not amused by Holy Joe's crap.

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