Sunday, May 20, 2007

Who knew?

Via Aravosis, seems a buncha folks (us included) knew Iraq would turn into a mess. WaPo:

Two intelligence assessments from January 2003 predicted that the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and subsequent U.S. occupation of Iraq could lead to internal violence and provide a boost to Islamic extremists and terrorists in the region, according to congressional sources and former intelligence officials familiar with the prewar studies.


The assessment on post-Hussein Iraq included judgments that while Iraq was unlikely to split apart, there was a significant chance that domestic groups would fight each other and that ex-regime military elements could merge with terrorist groups to battle any new government. It even talks of guerrilla warfare, according to congressional sources and former intelligence officials.

The second NIC assessment discussed "political Islam being boosted and the war being exploited by terrorists and extremists elsewhere in the region," one former senior analyst said. It also suggested that fear of U.S. military dominance and occupation of a Middle East country -- one sacred to Islam -- would attract foreign Islamic fighters to the area.


I believe back then (this was before I began blogging), I was called a terrorist, a traitor, and a whole buncha other names when I'd tell people nothing good could come of Iraq. The other day, a friend of mine who thought I was crazy 4 years ago called me a visionary. Go figure but if I knew this then, so did the Chimp and his henchmen. They just didn't care.

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