Friday, June 15, 2007

Cultural Learnings of Albania for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Americastan

Financial Times via MSNBC:

Prime minister Sali Berisha accurately captured the national mood in his effusive welcoming comments towards Bush when the pair staged a joint news conference. But he also sounded remarkably like Borat, the spoof Kazakh journalist created by comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. "Today is a beautiful day," he said. "Today is a great day, historic for all Albanians. Among us is the greatest and most distinguished guest we have ever had in all times, the president of the United States of America, the leading country of the free world, George W. Bush [and] his lady, Mrs. Laura Bush.""

Bush looked to be struggling to maintain his composure as the press corps sniggered in the front row.

"For me, it's a great honour, and a special pleasure to thank them with gratitude and extend the most heartfelt welcome, in this historic visit, the first visit ever of a United States president in Albania," he continued. Still he was not finished, adding: "thank you heartily, Mr president, from the bottom of our hearts, fulfilling ardent and long-awaited wish of all Albanians to have a special guest in their home."

If Baron Cohen was not involved, surely Ashton Kutcher, star of a well-known MTV practical joke series, was about to jump out and tell Bush "You've been Punk'd"? But as the two leaders proceeded to talk seriously about Kosovo and Albania's mooted entry into Nato it became clear the adulation was serious. Sitting in the audience, Karl Rove, the White House political adviser, must have been thinking how much easier the last two presidential elections would have been had the US taken seriously an Albanian proposal in the 1990s to be declared the 51st US state.

Once a Red state, always a Red state, I guess.

Before boarding his limo, Bush put an arm on top of the vehicle and lifted himself up to wave farewell, as his fans chanted "BOOSHY, BOOSHY". It looked for a moment like he would emulate Michael Jackson, who famously climbed atop his SUV to salute fans outside a courthouse where he faced criminal charges in 2003. Bush would have been forgiven for not wanting the moment to end. But he eventually disappeared into the limo and sped off towards the airport, with only one more stop in Sofia on Monday before returning to political reality in Washington.

Return to political reality? Bush? Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!

I'm sure he likes "The Gloved One" comparo too! Heh.

Of course the best part of that whole deal is that the Chimp let the adoring Albanians actually get up close and personal with him, something he would never dare do here because someone'd clean his clock for him, and then one of 'em gleeped his cheap-ass bling right off his wrist. Fuckin' priceless!

Whether or not his watch really got swiped is unclear, but I saw the video and I don't think it was. The press sure made a big deal out of it. At least the prick had the good sense not to wear the Rolex he probably wears to meetings with his big-time corporate cronies. Or maybe he got it off the street in NY from one of Fixer's friends and it actually says 'Relax' on its face. Hell, Bush can't read well enough to tell the difference.

In defense of cheap-ass bling, I wear a Timex as well. The watch was made in the Phillipines, the band in China, it cost $35 at Target, it looks good, keeps good time, lights up at night, and I got it from Mrs. G as a birthday present. Who could ask for more?


Bush gets his watch back!

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