Saturday, June 30, 2007

Help me, daddy ...

Yup, the Spoiled Brat-in-Chief must realize he's failed yet again. Daddy's coming to bail him out:


For the first time in his six-and-a-half years in power, Mr Bush is inviting a foreign dignitary not to the White House, or the Camp David retreat, or his ranch in Texas. This meeting takes place at the home of Mr Bush's father in Kennebunkport, Maine. The former president's deft handling of US-Soviet relations was a hallmark of his term in office.

The White House confirmed yesterday that the 41st president will be at the house while his son entertains Mr Putin. Although he will not take part in the official talks, the elder Bush is bound to be involved informally as the two leaders address the host of grievances that divide them.


What's next, abdicating the Presidency to Cheney?

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