Thursday, June 14, 2007

How far we've fallen ...

4 years ago it was 'greeted as liberators', 'dead or alive', and 'last throes'. Today it's 'making deals with the enemy':

The US military has embarked on a new and risky strategy in Iraq by arming Sunni insurgents in the hope that they will tackle the extremist al-Qaida in Iraq.

The US high command this month gave permission to its officers on the ground to negotiate arms deals with local leaders. Arms, ammunition, body armour and other equipment, as well as cash, pick-up trucks and fuel, have already been handed over in return for promises to turn on al-Qaida and not attack US troops.


But they promised. Oy gevult. Didn't anyone explain to these idiots that the first casualty of war is the 'plan', then comes 'truth', with 'promises' falling right behind.

Think about this. The supposedly-unbeatable U.S. military, the same ones who marched to Baghdad in 3 weeks, is now desperate enough to make deals with a ragtag bunch of insurgents to finish the job.

Just askin' the MAC-V and Green Beret guys, how'd that work out in Vietnam? Yeah, thought so.

Great thanks to Steve Benen at C & L.

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