Wednesday, June 13, 2007

If not now, when?

I mean, I'm a progressive blogger. I've been pretty well aware, for the past few years, that the Chimp (in the giuse of Karl Rove) has 'cronyized' every government agency ('heck of a job' and all that). Why is it, after being played for fools since November 2000, the press is just getting it now?

WASHINGTON -- The head of the main federal contracting agency, a longtime GOP supporter, should be "punished to the fullest extent" for violating a ban on political advocacy on government time, a watchdog agency concluded.

The Office of Special Counsel, in a letter to President Bush released late Monday, said General Services Administrator Lurita Doan engaged in "the most pernicious of political activity" banned by the 1939 Hatch Act when she asked, at a meeting of General Services Administration political appointees, how they could help Republican candidates.


2 years ago, this wouldn't even have been reported, at least not where anyone could find it.

Every federal institution has been taken over by neocon cronies, either as a way for the WH to ensure their complete control over the process or as a payoff to a campaign supporter.

Thanks to Larisa Alexandrovna for the link.


Pach at FDL on more cronyism in high places. As always, the lowest common denominator is Rove:

... And guess what? This path leads back to Rove. I know. I’m stunned as well ...

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