Wednesday, June 27, 2007

If she were a liberal ...

Ann Coulter would be living out a refrigerator box under a bridge. X at Creature's:


It really does boggle the mind that news orgs continue to host this vile shell of what was once a human being as if she were some sort of serious political analyst. Even Chris Matthews' lament that "she sells books" is no excuse.


How does she get away with the shit she does? It should be an excellent commentary on Fox 'News' that they have her on so many times. It's also a commentary on ABC News that they would even give her a forum, but any network that employs Frank Luntz and Mark Halperin doesn't have too high a bar to jump over.

I look at Coulter, and the crowds she draws, and it troubles me that so many Americans think she's funny, or witty, or actually take her seriously. There are enough nuts out there who would be happy to 'pull a Bobby Kennedy' with Edwards. Just once, and Elizabeth Edwards didn't go far enough, I would like to see her called out for what she is and be held accountable for her words, the way all the rest of us are.

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