Sunday, June 10, 2007

Little Warlords

Seems some maggotized Marine company commander got a problem with the body armor given to his troops:

The body armor that West Seneca’s American Legion Post 735 bought for Marines in Iraq is gathering dust somewhere in dusty Anbar province, thanks to Marine Corps orders preventing its use.


It’s asinine,” said Mark McMahon, whose purchase of the body armor for his son and two of his buddies prompted the Legion post to buy 20 sets for the West Seneca Marine’s entire unit.

“That body armor that’s sitting around somewhere could possibly save someone from serious injury or save a life,” said Charles “Phil” Kordos, the post commander.


And why isn't this stuff being given to the Marines?


McMahon’s father said the company commander decided that the body armor could not be used, even though many Marines consider it to be more protective than what the Marine Corps issued. [my em]


Listen to me. It's unconscionable as it is that Americans have to run bake sales and ask for donations for equipment the troops should have had before they deployed. For a commander to deprive his unit of the best protection available, especially when it is sitting in-theater, is criminal. Who the fuck is this asshole to decide, arbitrarily and without directive from above, to deny his troops this stuff?

Great thanks to Cookie Jill for the link.

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