Thursday, June 28, 2007

"Media Putz of the Week" Award

I won $5 from myself betting on who the first recipient of this award would be.

For reporting that is an embarrassment to the profession of journalism, and for being beholden to corporate paymasters rather than the citizens of America.

For our first BuzzFlash Media Putz of the Week, we had so many nominations for Chris Matthews that we had to pick one by lottery. Before we even launched, it appears Matthews is already positioned for a lifetime achievement award.

Chris Matthews, you are indeed a trailblazing Media Putz -- and more than merit being named the first recipient of this dubious BuzzFlash distinction.

Every week, you remind us how easy it is to separate journalism from the truth.

Please read the rest.

Be sure to watch Noballs today. He's gonna have Al Sharpton and Christopher Hitchens 'debating' God knows what, but it oughta be funny.

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