Wednesday, June 27, 2007

More Dick

Please pardon me for all the attention I'm giving to The Dick, but I'm just lovin' watchin' him step on his weenie! The prick thinks he can get away with anything because he has so far, but this one might be his undoing, God willing. Hmmm. That might go a long way towards proving the existence of a wise and beneficial God. Or at least a tacit admission that truth and maybe even karma actually exist despite propaganda to the contrary from this maladministration.

The Austin American-Statesman

America has never seen a vice president like Dick Cheney, and with any luck it will never see another one like him.

That towering arrogance and obsession with secrecy may backfire on the vice president in the end.

It'd be quicker to slip him an exploding cigar. Oh, wait, the CIA already tried that on Castro. How 'bout some acid, the squiggly kind, in his brandy? 5000 mikes oughta do it.

President Bush has to accept much of the blame for Cheney's arrogation of power because he has abetted his vice president's power-grab.

Bush has allowed Cheney to become a power base and establish policies that have lowered America in international esteem.

Bush has allowed Cheney the whip hand on matters from nominees to the U.S. Supreme Court to the torture of detainees at the now-infamous military prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Cheney has had control over energy policy, space exploration and much more.

The Bush administration has pushed executive power and privilege to new limits, taken secrecy to new levels and shown disdain for human rights and international treaties. This administration had carved out a place — not a good one — in history before Cheney placed himself beyond both executive and legislative reach.

Now that this uniquely powerful and damaging vice president has produced a new constitutional crisis, the Bush legacy is more assured than ever.

Bush's legacy is most assuredly assured - a weak, incompetent, pitiful little man who allowed himself to be co-opted into ruining the United States for generations to come, if not once and for all. Worst. President. Ever.

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