Friday, June 15, 2007

Qualifications ...

Well, after hearing all of Gord's complaints about his Rethug congressman, Do Shit Do Nothing Doolittle, I can see why they can't find a qualified crook director for the California Rethuglican Crime Family Party:

The California Republican Party has decided no American is qualified to take one of its most crucial positions -- state deputy political director -- and has hired a Canadian for the job through a coveted H-1B visa, a program favored by Silicon Valley tech firms that is under fire for displacing skilled American workers.

Christopher Matthews, 35, a Canadian citizen, has worked for the state GOP as a campaign consultant since 2004. But he recently was hired as full-time deputy political director, with responsibility for handling campaign operations and information technology for the country's largest state Republican Party operation, California Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring confirmed in a telephone interview this week.

In the nation's most populous state -- which has produced a roster of nationally known veteran political consultants -- "it's insulting but also embarrassing ... to bring people from the outside who don't know the difference between Lodi and Lancaster ... and who can't even vote," said Karen Hanretty, a political commentator and former state GOP party spokeswoman.


Hey, they work cheaper than Americans, don't they?


Steve Benen alerts us to the fact they can't find a qualified American to run the shakedown squad party operations either.


Wait, it gets funnier. Matthews was hired by Michael Kamburowski, the state GOP’s chief operations officer, who is ... wait for it ... an Australian citizen.


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