Sunday, June 24, 2007

Shared Experience


Democratic presidential hopeful Chris Dodd is issuing a call for community service that aims to create the first generation in which everyone serves their country.

He proposes making community service mandatory for all high school students, doubling the size of the Peace Corps by 2011 and expanding the AmeriCorps national service program to 1 million participants by the end of his presidency.

I doubt if there's going to be a 'his presidency', but it's still a damn good idea.

Dodd said his goal is to see 40 million people volunteering in some for or another by 2020.

"I think we want to have a shared experience again," he said earlier Saturday at a house party in Amherst. "Our shared experience today is we all pay $4 for the same cup of cafe latte no matter where you live in America. That's not a shared experience. A shared experience is going out and sacrificing."

I think it should be mandatory, not voluntary, with full citizenship and voting rights awarded only upon its successful completion. Fat chance that's gonna happen. Americans are too spoiled and arrogant to think they can be made to do anything simply because it's the right thing for them to do.

Call it something other than 'community service' too. Community service is a sentence imposed by a judge after you fuck up, like cleaning up trash off the White House lawn after the Negroes play music.

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