Monday, June 18, 2007

So, tell me again ...

Why we went into Iraq and wasted, that's right wasted, over 3500 lives so far?

UNITED NATIONS, June 16 — The search for Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction appears close to an official conclusion, several years after their absence became a foregone one.

The United States and Britain have circulated a new proposal to the members of the United Nations Security Council to “terminate immediately the mandates” of the weapons inspectors. Staff meetings on the latest proposal have already taken place, and officials say that the permanent Council members, each of whom has veto power, seem ready to let the inspection group — the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission — meet its end.


So now it's official. When does impeachment happen and when do the war crimes trials begin?

Note to Rethugs: If you ever want to win another election, you'll bring up the subject of impeachment yourselves.

Link via Atrios.

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