Saturday, June 16, 2007

Speak English or get out ...

Atrios sums it up exactly and succinctly.


The fact is that "immigrants not learning English" is only a problem for people who are offended by the stray sounds of Spanish. The children of immigrants do learn English. There just is no identifiable "problem" here. Sure older immigrants may not become fluent in The President's English, but who cares? [my em]

As someone who grew up in a neighborhood consisting of off-the-boat Italians, Polish, and Germans, I can attest to that. 80% of my friends had at least one parent who spoke no, broken, or English with an accent (both my parents fell into that category and I spoke German before I spoke English). All of us grew up speaking English without a hint of our forebears' ethnicity in our voices. You damn well know we're from Lawn Guyland though. Heh ...

Now my neighborhood is Latin American, Indian, Afghani, Chinese, and Korean. Same shit, just more chickens.

And another thought. Though I never spoke a word of Italian or Polish, I sure knew when the old ladies were pissed about something we did. Heh ...

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