Wednesday, June 6, 2007

'Surge' - Old School

June 6 would not be complete without a post to commemorate the Allied troops who participated in the amphibious and airborne landings in Normandy on that day in 1944 that led to the end of World War II. Personally, I stayed in the womb until three weeks after the fall of Japan and I was sure it was safe to come out...

Battle of Normandy

United States:: 29,000 dead, 106,000 wounded and missing;
United Kingdom: 11,000 dead, 54,000 wounded and missing;
Canada: 5,000 dead; 13,000 wounded and missing;
France: 12,200 civilian dead and missing

The estimate of German losses is 210,000 prisoners and 240,000 killed and wounded.

680,200 killed, wounded, and captured in the span of 80 days from 6 June to 25 August, 1944.

The difference between then and now was WWII was fought for the future of mankind, and not for oil, power, and some twerp's ego.

Casualty figures in Bush's War, both civilian and military, are similar in number after 4+ years.

The difference is they are all for naught.

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