Friday, June 22, 2007

We ain't gonna get our troops out of Iraq by supporting Bush

Today's 'must read' at Frameshop in response to Sen. Levin's letter to WaPo.

Senator, the wrong message cannot be sent by those who oppose Bush's Iraq policy. The wrong message can only be sent by those who support it.

In particular, Senator, over the past 7 years President Bush has been sending a message so wrong that it has led to the criminal destruction of our valued military: the message that the Democratic Party is a danger to the safety and security of the American people.

The cruel irony of that wrong message from President Bush is obvious to every American--including those Americans fighting in Iraq: the more President Bush says that Democrats are a danger to our troops, the more President Bush's Iraq policy destroys the lives, families and reputation of the U.S. military.

More. Kudos to Mr. Feldman.

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